Creating a Simple Systemd User Service

· by Victor Mendonça · Read in about 1 min · (201 words) ·

Quick instructions on how to create a simple systemd user service for a program or script.

1- Identify the script or program/binary that you will be using

2- Create a systemd unit file using the example below, give it a name that will make sense to you with a .service extension (like [my_service].service), and save it to $USER/.config/systemd/user

Description=[Service description]

ExecStart=[script path]


For this example we used a service type simple, which allows systemd to take care of the most basic needs for us. The options used are:

  • Description = Description of your service. This will be shown when handling your service with systemctl
  • Type = We will be using the simple type, and this could be left out
  • StandardOutput = We will be logging it to the system log (you can use journalctl to view it)
  • ExectStart = The script or program to be executed
  • WantedBy = Service will be run using the default target. You can find what the is with systemctl get-default

3- Enable your service so it starts automatically

systemctl --user enable [my_service].service

4- Start the service

systemctl --user start [my_service].service

4- Check that it’s running

systemctl --user status [my_service].service
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